13 April 2009


The Doofus of the day is a cartoonist.

Buried deep in so many European minds is a frothing paranoid psychotic who’s sure the world is after them, among other evidence of just how addled the human mind can get and still appear to function. In this case Belgium based German language doodler Ben Heine has clearly been making too much of light entertainment, and has cast the POTUS in his image of a cop engaging in some “good kind of police brutality” on the road to creating a special kind of paradise for European cartoonists. It really doesn’t say much for his view of black people, cops, or Americans, all of which appear to be nothing more than predictable puppets to him: a mile wide and an inch deep.

In the spirit of freeing Tibet with pointless little stickers for decades on end to no effect, his tagline of his life is the delusion that “peace begins with a smile.” Since that kind of passivity has never succeeded once in human history, his failure to see this means that he wins the booby prize.


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