24 March 2009

Germans are Seeking Less Stimulus

Rip off the sales-pitch and the veneer of hip, sexy, edgy, and ”with it” Europe, and you’ll find it vacuous, limp, and sagging:

Hoping for more success, many women are driven from the clubs to the kerbs to sell their bodies on their own terms.

An increasing number of men on a tight budget are also picking up prostitutes on street corners rather than in pricey brothels or "Eros Centres."

Some places have been forced to shut their doors and in January, sex-shop owners and porn producers pushed for state aid, taking their lead from the crisis-hit auto and banking industries.

Erotic trade federation official Uwe Kaltenberg, said that "economic aid would be judicious."
When a society believes in virtually nothing, it’s not surprising that after the personal because the political, people human flesh becomes little more than a commodity anyway. They’re as cheerless, blasé, and mechanical as ever. Put your heart into it chacha!


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