12 February 2008

He’s a Whiz, I tell ya!

...and I mean that sarcastically. Der Speigel’s one and only Marc Pitzge along with back-up place kicker Gabor Steingart deserves some sort of award for the vapidness of these brilliant titles:

“A TITANIC MOOD IN THE CLINTON CAMP” and his running column on the democratic nomination race called with great originality: WEST WING. Ooh! Alert the media!

In other words, they, or whoever it is that edits their trash back in the heimat knows about as much about the US as someone living in Germany who loafs around watching too much TV. But there’s more! Not satisfied by merely beating off to the latest hate-filled Ted Rall comic? Just get a load (smirk!) of the brilliant insight in this sub-heading:

"Where's the Beef?"

I don’t know. Have you cleaned your ears lately? And the buffoons actually want us to believe that a few of the Americans in Berlin think they’re “in exile”. Look: the Burmese living in Berlin are in exile. The Kurds in Berlin USED to be in exile. Der Speigel’s hyperbole should be deported to someplace where they really aren’t capable of tolerance and learn better, like, say, in one part or another of the holy continent of Europe and all of it’s peevish preoccupations and obsessions. Such as they are.


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